Putnam Indian Field School

Inspiring confidence, curiosity, creativity and a sense of community in every child we teach

PIFS is an independent, co-educational preschool for toddlers through pre-k.

Support PIFS

The commitment and generosity of our parents and alumni are essential to the success and longevity of Putnam Indian Field School. The ongoing financial support of our community bridges the gap between tuition income and the expense of educating our children and providing scholarships.

The Auction

This traditional celebration of our school takes place every November and is planned and run by volunteer parents. Featuring exclusive experiences and unique items, the Auction is the school’s largest fundraiser.

Annual Giving Fund

The priority of this annual fundraiser is participation of the entire current PIFS community. We are proud of the contributions made by 100% of our faculty, staff and Board of Trustees. For questions and ways to give, please contact the school by phone 203.661.4629 or email us for more information

All funds contributed to PIFS for which no goods or services are received are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law. PIFS is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.